The following are lists of response choices: (you need to post once, and read at-least two peer responses and comment refering to their post) (you must hand in a hand written response if you are not permitted to post)
Choose one!
1. You may rewrite the letter to Barack Obama (from Alice Walker) demonstrating your proficiency and skill with text speak or LOL language. This is to be the legnth of the Alice Walker letter (roughly)
2. You may respond to the letter from Alice Walker, to Barack Obama and take a stance against her advice and the transition in government. Highlight what you feel is the alternative to the measures that Barack Obama is suggesting.
3. You may compare and contrast the James Baldwin Letter and the Alice Walker letter looking to demonstrate differences in style and purpose.
4. You may write a letter to Mr. Wind about your experience to his teaching style and his transition from an eleventh grade English Classroom in Hamburg to a seventh grade English Classroom at Grover Cleveland International School in Buffalo. It should take the shape of the Alice Walker letter in the sense of giving advice and include literary elements (repetition, theme, metaphor, etc...). It should also keep to conventions of standard English not text speak! This should be a formal letter and elaborate on your ideas and criticisms! (feel free to be a critic)
The following are the links to items we have read or watched in class.
• Alice Walker "Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama" (online print )
• James Baldwin ”My Dungeon Shook" (p. 792)
Taylor Mali "graduation poem"
In Alice Walker's "Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama" she tells obama that there have been many blacks who have tried to get justice but you have finished the job. she also says that turning ths country around is not completely up to you, you need to enjoy your life and not become lifeless like all the other presidents.she says you are the one all blacks have been waiting for.In James Baldwin's ”My Dungeon Shook" he tells his nephew not to let the white man to get the better of him like his grandfather and father.He is telling his nephew to rise and become a leader and fight for black rights.
Dear Mr Wind,
You have no idea what a different experience it has been to have you for a teacher these past weeks. You taught differently than any other teacher I have had. English class was enjoyable and your unit was better than reading a novel and methodically filling out a study packet. It was a welcome change of pace.
Regarding your transition you have a lot ahead of you. Your teaching style challenged students to think in a way many teachers do not usually ask them to think.
7th graders are in the middle of their education in terms of high school being the end. If you teach a similar way, it may be hard for them to understand fully, However this is not something to deter you. If you can break that blueprint of convential thinking at that young of an age it can help those kids be more analytical and better thinkers in general in their life.
I agree with Evansfan83 about what Walker's letter is telling Obama. He brings youth to the White House and this is something to be valued, not concealed or destroyed. You can have tremendous challenges facing you, but still have mantain a positive demeanor like the President has done.
thank you for the advice and insight in the letter...
Dear Mr. Wind,
OK to be blunt… you teach more modernly. I like how you used this blog for responses from the activities in class. It lets us utilize our minds and say what we think. This especially helps those who don’t respond out loud in class. I think we probably could have read more poems and listened to more music however.
The change from 11th to 7th grade will probably feel strange. As immature as some of us juniors act, the 7th graders are just as bad… if not worse. They have a tendency to joke around and not to pay as much attention to what they are learning. In this you will have to practice staying in control of the class. I think you will be able to handle them though.
I think Yankees98 was right about you being different than all of our previous teachers. They were also right about teaching the 7th graders. I also agree with Evensfan83 in what they said about Alice’s letter; however I think she could have toned it down a few notches.
I hope you have had a good experience with our class and good luck with your 7th graders!
Mr. Wind,
You are a completely different kind of student teacher that I have ever had. This is in a good way. You actually make us do something unlike other. There are some things that I feel that you should change before you go to a 7th grade classroom in the city of Buffalo. I first thing that I feel that you need to change is the fact of telling our class everything about your life up until this point. This is something that I just don’t think that you should do when you are with 7th graders. Another thing that I feel that you should change before those 7th graders is the whole blog thing. I don’t think that you should not do the blog I just think that you should do some more explaining before you make them do it for the first time. I think that like I read in another class’s blog that you should possiably take the 7th graders down to the computer lab or something before you make them do it. Also I feel that you need to do more explaining in general. I feel that especially for the poster project you need to explain more in detail exactly what you are looking for. But I feel that for the most part you have done a great job but you just need to change a few things in the way of your teaching but you have done a way better job then any other student teacher that I have had.
I understand and agree completely with what Yankees98 says. I feel that you need to change your style of teaching in order to have the 7th graders understand what you are saying.
I agree with Yankees98 you have taught differently than any other teacher i have had. It has been such a great expierience.You have challenged us in different ways.You will be a great teacher some day, what ever students get you as a teacher will be very lucky.
Alice Walker is thanking Obama for being a symbol of peace for the blacks, and that its not just his responsiblity. James Balwdin tells his nephew to fight for the blacks and live unlike his grandfather and father.
I disagee with Becca i think you should tell your new students about your life you should let them know who you are. I also agree with Becca because i think you should do the blogs with your 7th graders. you should teach them how to do it because eventually our whole world is going to be computerized.i believe bloging will challenge them in good just should take them down to a computer lab and help them through it.
I agree with Yankees98 Obama has a lot of challenges facing him but he just needs to slowly work it out one by one with other people, he can not fix all of this alone.You can not fix everything at once it just doesnt work.he needs to spend time and have fun with his family and not let the stress get to him and just let the country go like a few presidents before him.
The Letters by Alice Walker and James Baldwin are very different from each other, though they have similar themes. Both letters deal with giving advice and the struggles of African- Americans in american society that has been historicallt dominated by whites. They also share the idea of loving your enemies. A concept in my mind that is not used enough in todays world. The Letters had very different points of view. "My Dungeon Shook" was written by an uncle to a nephew. "Letter to President-Elect Obama" was a letter written by an African American supporter of Barack Obama. I felt her letter was out of line. She started her letter by congratulating the president on his win, and by saying what an important figure he was to black culture. Then she proceeded to give advice to the president, a man she does not know, and who holds power and responsibility she will never understand. The tone of the letters were also different. Walker's letter portrayed success while Baldwin's painted a picture of struggle. I enjoyed "My Dongeon Shook" it was a very powerful, moving letter with an issue that was very important to the author
Dear Bro Obama
U hav no idea, rly, of how profound this moment is 4 us. Us being the black ppl of the southrn US. U think u no bc ur thoughtful and u hav studied r history. But c in u deliver the torch so many othrs b4 u carred year aftr year, decad aftr decad, century after century only 2 be struck down b4 ignitin the flame of justice and law is almost mor than the heart can bear. And yet this obsrvation is not intended 2 burden u 4 ur of a diffrent time and indeed bc of all the relay runnrs b4 u North America is a diffrent place. It is rly only 2 say well done. We new threw all the best of the spirits of africa and of the americas. no in this that u wood actuly apear somday was part of r strenght. C in u take ur rightful place based soley on ur wisdom stamina and character is a balm 4 the weary wariors of hope prevusly only sung about. I wood advis u 2 remembr that u didnt cre8 the disastr that the world is expierencin and u alone r not responsibl 4 bringin the world back 2 balance. A primary responsibility that u do have howevr is 2 cultivat hapines in ur own life. 2 make a schedule that permits suficent time of rest and play with ur gorg wife and lovly daugtrs. We r used 2 c in men in the white house soon become juicles and as white haried as the bildin we notis there wives and children lookin straned and stresed. They soon have smiles so lacin joy that they remind us of scisors. This is no way 2 lead. Nor does ur fam dserve this f8. 1 way of thinkin about all this is it is so bad now that there is no xcuse not 2 relax. From ur hape relaxed st8 u can modl real succes which is all that so many ppl in the world rly want. They may buy endles cars and houses and furs and gobl up all the atention and space they can manage or barly manage but this is bc it is not yet clear 2 them taht succes is truly an inside job. that is with in reach of evry1. I wud furthr advise u not 2 take on othr ppls enemes. Mostdamage that othrs do 2 us is out of fear, humiliation and pain. Those fellins occr in all of us, not just in thos of us who profes a certan religus or racal devotion. We must lern actuly not 2 have enemies, but only confused adversares who r ourselves in disguse. it is understood by all that ur comandr in chief of the US and r sworn 2 protect r beloved country. Howevr as my mothr use 2 say hate the sin, but love the sinr. There must b no more crushin of hole comunities no more torture no more dhuminizin as a means of rulin a ppls spirit. This has alrdy hapened 2 ppl of color, poor, women and children. A good modl of how 2 work with the eneme internaly is presented by the dle lama in his endles caretakin of his soul as he confronts the chines gov that invaded tbet. Bc finaly it is the soul that must b preservd if 1 is 2 remain a credibl leader All else might b lost but when the soul dies the conectin 2 earth,2 ppl, 2 animals, 2 rivrs, 2 mountain ranges, purpl and majestic also dies. Andur smile with which we watch u do gracus battl with unjust charactrzatons, distortons and lies is that xpreson of healthyself-worth spirit and soul that kept hap e and fre and relaxed can find an answerin smil in all of us lightin r way and brightenin the world. We r the 1 we bin watin 4 peace and joy
Alis Walkr
I dont agree with yankees98 I think if you teach the same way the seventh graders will understand fun they are plenty old enough there not in elementary school they are in middle school. It may be a challenge for them but chellenges are good and i think they will definatly understand you.
i agree with SOME points thats Becca stated in her letter. I felt that poster project need to be explained better. I also thought more time should have been allowed in order for the poster to reach its full potential. I disagree with the whole background knowledge. That was ba (text talk totally cool) the masuse thing is sweet i would tell everyone. but thats just me. Overall nice job mr. wind
p.s. giving 7th graders the same amount of homework is just sick to think about...they're just kids
mr.wind i enjoyed your teaching on the subject social justice because we were able to get to see multiple points of views on the subject. also by us sitting in a cirlce so we can see the people taht are talking so we would be able to comprehend what they are saying
evansfan83 i agree what you disagree about becca about mr.wind telling his students what happened before he came there so that you can understand how he teaches the way he teaches
In Alice Walker's, "Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama" Walker sends a letter unique to most letters written to the president. She tells him that he has the character, heart and intelligence to become a great leader, improving the country's economic crisis, and teaching racial tolerance. Walker reminds him that he must keep a solid relationship with his family and not take responsibility for the current condition of the world's economic problems. In James Baldwin's "My Dungeon Shook", the author tells his nephew that he must have pride in himself and his black race. He must not let racial prejudice get in the way of him living the life he is capable of living. He tells "Big James" to accept the white people's discrimination towards blacks, and to show them that their racist beliefs are wrong.
I agree with what Yankees98 said, while your methods are unconventional, it does not mean that they are better or worse, simply different than what we are used to. Your social justice unit was refreshing because it allowed us to express our opinions and beliefs, which is not something we normally have the opportunity to do. I think that you will make a great teacher because you search for each student's personality and beliefs, and care about the students opinions. This is the quality of a great teacher who makes a difference in students' lives. Good luck with your next class. :)
i agree with with krtegirl67, the way you taught the class was something we are not used to, but it was nice to do something different. i like how the unit applies to our life, and we can look at other point of views. Thank you, for coming to our school, and i think you will do a great job as a teacher. :]
Dear Mr Wind.
These past weeks have been a great learning experience. i believe that you will succeed as an English teacher. the unit on social justice was a great thing to learn about. i also enjoyed the poems we read and listen too..more of the videos. the reading were kinda lame. but i think that our class in the end will be better then your "new" students. Don't let them make "wind" jokes either. now for your transition to 7th grade...don't let them get to'll do fine..if you could handle me Connor Dave and josh all in one class then you will be fine. your teaching these weeks has made a major impact on how i feel and look about the world. thanks for a great semester and learnings and i hope to still hear from you.
Good Luck,
i agree with yankees98 on his criticism. i usually don't want to be harsh but in order to gain the respect and attention form younger kids like 7th graders you would need to change your teaching styles..maybe not so much on the blogging or projects. just some advise. have a good time
im Alice Walkers letter to Barack Obama she says that the president is up to most of the decisions that are made in the U.S. and not all up to the people that make up the Untied States.
mr. wind, i also want to thank you for all your wonderful help through this unit. you have made this fun and exciting, yet interesting with all the blogs and videos that we have been watching. you have inspired me to read more poems and really think of the meaning behind them all. i agree with Yankees98. you have tought in such a interesting way that really helps in the long run. thanks so much. god luck with all of your others classes to come!!!!
Dear Bro. Obama,
u have no idea rlly of how profound this time is 4 us. Us being blk peeps of the south us. u think u kno cause u r thoughtful & u hav studied our history. but seeing u dilvr da torch so many others b4 u carried, yr aftr yr, dcade aftr dcadem centry aftr centry, only 2 b struck dwn b4 igniting da flame of justice & of law, is almost more than da hrt can bear. & yet tis observation is not intended 2 burden u, 4 u r of a dif. timem & indeed bcuse of all the relay runnrs b4 u, N.A. is a diff. place. It is rly only to say. wll don. we knew thrugh all da generations, tat u were with us, in us, da bst of da spirit of Africa & of Americas. Knowin tis, tat u would act. apear som day was part of our strength. seeing u take ur rughtful plce, based solely on ur wisdom, stamina & charactr, is a balm 4 da weary warriors of hope, previously only sung abut.
I wuld adivse u 2 member tat u didnt create da disaster tat da world is expierencing, & u alone r not responsible 4 bringing da world bak 2 balance. A primary responsibility tat u do have, howeva is 2 cultivate happiness in ur own life. 2 make a schedule tat permits sufficient time of rest & play with ur gorgeous wife & lovin daughters, & so on. one gathers tat ur fam. is lrge. we r used to seeing men in da white house soon becme jucieless & as white haired as da buildin. we notice ther wives & kids lookin strained & stressed. they soon have smiles so lackin in joy tat they remind us of scissors. tis is no way 2 lead. nor does ur fam. desrve tis fate. one way of thinkin abut all tis is: it is no bad now tat there is no excuse nor 2 relax. frm ur happym relaxed state, u can model real successm wich is all tat so many ppl in da world rly want. they may buy endless cars & houses & furs and gobbl up all da attention & space they can manage, or barley manage, but tis is not yet clear 2 dem tat success is trly an inside job. tat it is within da reach of allmost evryone. i wld further adivise u not 2 tke on other pep's enemies. mst damage tat othrs do 2 us out of fear, humiliation & pain. tose feelins occur on all of us, not just en those of us who profss a certin relig. or racial devotion. we must lrn actuly not 2 hve enemies, but all tat u r commandr in cheif of the U.S. & are sworn to protect our belovd country; tis we understnd, compltly. howevam as my ma used 2 say, qotin a bible w/ which i often fougt," hat da sin, but lve da sinner". thr mst b no mre crushing of whole communities, no mre torture, no mre dehumanizing as a means of rulin a pep's spirit. tis has alrdy hap. 2 pep's of da color, poor pep's, women and kids. we see where tis leads where it has led.
a good modl of how 2 work with da enemy internaly is prested bi da Dalai Lama, in his endless caretakin of his soul as he confronts da Chinese gov'nt tat invaded Tibet. B/C finly, it is da soul tat must b but when da soul dies, da connectin 2 earth 2 peps, 2 animls, 2 rvers, 2 mount. rnges, prple & majestic, also dies. & ur smle,w/ which we watch u do gracious batle w/ unjust charactericzations, distortionsm & lies is tat express. of helty, slf- worthm spirt & soul, tat kept hapy, & free and relaxed, can find an answerin smile in all of us, lightin our way, & brighten da wrld.
we r da ones we have been a waitin 4.
pce & Joy,
Alice Walker
I have really enjoyed reading all of these posts...
Alice Walker is advising Barrack Obama, to not lose him self in the process of trying to fix the mess this world is in. She tells him to keep smiling and dont try the impossible, but do what is humanly possible. he cant save the world from the disaster it is in, so hwy blame and over-exert yourself. she explains how blacks have tried to reach a place where justice takes place and that he has reached it.
i agree with evansfan83. the president needs to live his life and so does his family. Dont exhaust yourself over the impossible. He brings hope to our country as well as a feel of accomplishment.
I agree with Yankees98. You have brought a variety of ways of teaching english. you have brought topics to our eyes in a different way/aspect. it was very interesting and enjoyable. i wish you goodluck in the future Mr. Wind!
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