Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 27 - March 4 (40 points)

Writing letters is said to be "a dying art." With that in mind, look at these letters with a critical lens and think about the last time you wrote or received a letter. Has email, text messaging and instant messaging replaced carefully penned and crafted letter? If so, at what cost? This is a reflective assignment.

The following are lists of response choices: (you need to post once, and read at-least two peer responses and comment refering to their post) (you must hand in a hand written response if you are not permitted to post)

Choose one!

1. You may rewrite the letter to Barack Obama (from Alice Walker) demonstrating your proficiency and skill with text speak or LOL language. This is to be the legnth of the Alice Walker letter (roughly)

2. You may respond to the letter from Alice Walker, to Barack Obama and take a stance against her advice and the transition in government. Highlight what you feel is the alternative to the measures that Barack Obama is suggesting.

3. You may compare and contrast the James Baldwin Letter and the Alice Walker letter looking to demonstrate differences in style and purpose.

4. You may write a letter to Mr. Wind about your experience to his teaching style and his transition from an eleventh grade English Classroom in Hamburg to a seventh grade English Classroom at Grover Cleveland International School in Buffalo. It should take the shape of the Alice Walker letter in the sense of giving advice and include literary elements (repetition, theme, metaphor, etc...). It should also keep to conventions of standard English not text speak! This should be a formal letter and elaborate on your ideas and criticisms! (feel free to be a critic)

The following are the links to items we have read or watched in class.

• Alice Walker "Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama" (online print )
• James Baldwin ”My Dungeon Shook" (p. 792)
Taylor Mali "graduation poem"

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 9-13 (20 points)

Stride Toward Freedom (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) p. 235-238
Necessary to Protect Ourselves (Interview of Malcolm X by Les Crane) p. 239-240

Questions to guide your response.

  • What do you think is similar in these works in terms of author’s purpose, voice, etc.?
  • What is different in these pieces (again, think critically!)?
  • What are the authors’ messages to their audience?
  • What was the injustice that the author is speaking about?
  • Relate either of these two figures to a contemporary figure in some way.

These questions are to guide your post. Feel free to talk freely about these two works. Do not feel confined to only answering these questions. Additionally, remember that you have to respond to two of your peers comments within your class period (please refer to their screen name while responding).

Email me your alias

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 2-10 Wisdom Questions and answers (optional post)

This is a place for your questions and comments about our first couple of assignments. Feel free to tell me that you like or dislike and idea or a project, however, be sure to back it up with why...If you have a question for me that you don't want published to this site, please email me at

thank you
Mr. Wind

P.S. if you find any quotes that you would like me to add to my list of quotes please add them here. To comment on this post click on comment below.

This would be a good time and place to try to comment on a post using a screen-name. Do not use your complete name unless you've been granted permission. Let's use aliases to be safe. Be sure to email me so that I know your identity and so that you recieve proper credit. Do not reveal your identity in your post.

Click on the picture below for instructions on how to sign up or sign in. Likewise, you have been provided instructions in class.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Give an example of a wise person and why you think they are or were wise

For this blog assignment you will be required to respond to the following prompt.

Give an example of a wise person and why you consider that person to be wise.

You will be expected to write using conventional rules of grammar. You need to write at least three complete sentences responding to each weeks prompt. Likewise, you will be responding to any two of your peers in your class period in order to recieve credit.

Each blog post is worth 20 points.
Please email me if you have any questions.